[PM2024:Dictionary] Day 20 – Gingerly

Square white notepad on a mint green background that has the handwritten version of the poem in this post. It has a decorative fancy "K" at the bottom right corner.

In my prophetic dreams,
there is a precious child
gently carried in warm arms,
proudly presented to neighbors,
playfully coaxed to stand,
patiently taught to speak,
and gingerly rocked to sleep.

A good life will bring miracles
while a tragic one will doom us all.
Despite good intentions,
a cruel act can break a blessing,
and I have been cursed to cause despair.

The world continues to carve
a wide complex hex.
If every structure leads to hurt,
and seeks to wrap a chain,
then may that child remain
in dreams without any pain.

Word of the Day: Gingerly

Instagram Back-up Post

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